Razzzila Software Development Company

About Us

We are team of experienced specialists with huge background in what we are doing.

It started after working years in top level companies. Saw a lot of imperfections and issue with projects management and decided to collaborate as team of professionals of our business to build processes that keeps your projects on higher level. And we built them!

We are team of high level e-commerce specialists who providing full range support:

  • Brand Identity Service
  • UX/UI Audit and Re-design
  • Website development, support, business processes optimization (features implementation) and other development services
  • Content Management Service
  • Project Curation Service
  • Digital Marketing Service
  • Email Marketing Full-Cover Service
  • Competitive Analysis Service
  • Brochure & Flyer Design Service
  • Assistance with Certification
  • B2B Platform Development & Long Run Support
  • Marketplace Development & Long Run Support
  • Mobile App Development
  • And much more, we are flexible!
Get in touch with us to find out if we offer what you need.

Where are you can find us

We are working from all over the globe with head office in Tbilisi. Here are few places where you can often see us.

Warszawa, Poland

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Tbilisi, Georgia

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Contact Us