Razzzila Software Development Company

Magento 1 to Magento 2

Magento 1 support ended and it's important to switch to new version to get benefits of Magento 2 and avoid security issues of original Magento

Migration Key Notes

No Data Lost
All customers, products, categories, orders, attributes, images, page and other default Magento entities would be saved!

* custom and 3rd party modules data migrating separately but can be migrated as well!
No Downtime
Any downtime is a reputational losses and just loosed sales!
Migration executing separately from live website location and deploying only once all done.
While migration, you can continue using existing website without limitations.
Additionally, we can take care of support for existing website if needed.
Security & Speed
Security of e-commerce website is highly important as data leak or open vulnerability can create too much problems.
Speed is a key thing when it comes to customer interaction and search engine metrics.
Even in a smallest migration packages we include base, required optimizations.
Magento 1 modules NOT compatible with Magento 2, so some 3rd party modules have Magento 2 version or alternatives but some we'll have to re-write to make it work as in old system or better.
Design Improvement
Conversion rate is strictly depends on your website design. If customer can not find important information fast or don't have focus on action buttons to proceed to finishing purchase, it can increase leaving customer count.
We can help you build intuitive website.
Magento 1 Support Ended
From June 30, 2020 Magento 1 support completely stopped by Adobe.
For store owners it means no more security updates, no new features, no improvements, no optimizations, no new modules as no one developing for Magento 1 already.
Critical from this list only security but does it worth to support outdated platform by your own?

Migration Steps

On this step we'll check how you are using platform, what customizations using,
to build exact list of things needs to be migrated into the new platform.
After list of features to migrate will be done, we discuss it with you to see
what features you are not using anymore, what needs to be added and offer
common set of features that from our experience most stores in your niche are using.
We start implementing discussed and keep you informed how is going.
We keep all documentation, so you always can know that nothing will be missed.
Once all from above done, we do final testing and deploy to production.
After that we run final Q&A and that all.
When migration finished we offer you maintenance packages, so you can focus
on what you need instead of carrying about code, server, bugs, etc.
Upgrade to
Magento 2
 Schedule Call 

What Key Improvements You Will See

Magento 2 been updated from Magento 1 because of the structure of project
and outdated architecture. In Magento 2 we have much more optimized core
with few layers of caches and boosted extendability.
ReCaptcha on the frontend & backend, 2 factor authentication on the backend,
security patches that releasing each few month.
All to keep your website as secure as possible.
New Features
Magento 2 have really good set of features right out-of-box. Price rules,
store pick-up delivery method, page builder, fast ElasticSearch based search.
Better Frontend
Including frontend performance improvement and better design
Better Backend
Backend now have much more intuitive design and processing requests faster.
A lot of new product, pricing, configuration and content management features added.
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