Razzzila Software Development Company

Magento 2 Consultation Service

There are a lot of different tricky questions you may face already working with some platform or just deciding what technology stack better to choose.
Our specialists will help you find answers and teach you how to use features.

Consultations Popular Topics

Platform Choose
Starting new store you always facing question: what platform choose for my e-commerce store?
It's a good question as on market there are a lot of different platform with different technologies.
.NET, GoLang, Python, PHP, NodeJs, Java and lot more technologies in
Laravel, Magento 2, Shopify, Wix, Shopizer, BigCommerce, Django and lot, lot more.
We here to help you choose right one!
Growing Plan
We have huge background working with e-commerce projects implementing different type of
complex solutions with integrations and creating websites, mobile apps, desktop apps,
browser extensions and more, so, we can help you build long run plan
keeping you out of possible issues.
Features List
Working with B2C and B2B platforms we learn most popular set of features that help
projects grow and optimize processes. That's why we can advise where to you may
grow your project to get better results and what you need to be aware of.
Content & Products
Incorrect platform management can lead to lot of issues with content management in future,
incorrect information displaying and just slow down your work a lot.
We providing teaching calls packages where we answering all questions you have and teaching
how to use platform in most efficient way.
Server Setup
Project grow means more code, more load, more server expenses.
Our DevOps and SysAdmins can get on call with you to help you build architecture of servers
that would work for you with most optimal set up.
Optimization Help
Need to figure out where from you need to start? Optimizations is a quite wide topic
and depends on your problems, priorities will be different.
Business Processes
Doing manually things that can be automized on a long run is not worth it.
Optimizing business processes like communication, orders management,
talk to customers, information sharing, etc. can literally save your money as you'll
don't need someone to do it.
And, sometimes, more important - it's improving scalability of your business.
And More
There a lot of uncovered topics yet. We here to help you clarify and make your life easier.
 Schedule Call 

Easy Refund

In case if you would not be satisfied with consultation, we'll refund!
When We Are Refunding
  • You or we get late on call by more than 5 minutes
  • If you send us a topic before the call and we can not answer you to your question
  • If you can prove that answer not correct
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